We are looking for your school stories for our blog!
We seek articles about:
Something you like or appreciate about your San Francisco public school.
A way that you volunteer or make a difference in your child's school.
A problem that you have faced as a public school parent/teacher/friend and how you have worked to address that problem.
An issue of importance to you. Examples: school lunch nutrition, transportation, STEM education, public school funding, etc.
Advice that may be helpful to other public school parents.
Submission guidelines:
Submission deadlines are ongoing. You can contact us with your article at any time.
Please keep articles to a maximum of 700 words.
Please proofread your article.
PPS-SF reserves the right to edit for length, grammar, spelling, and punctuation, while keeping with the spirit and intention of the author.
Include a short, 1-3 sentence bio with your submission that shares your public school connection. You are welcome to include a link to a personal blog or website.
Photos or images are welcome, provided you have full permission of the subject. We do not include identifying information under photos of children.
You are welcome to express a political opinion about an issue that impacts our schools. However, as a 501(c)(3) organization we cannot promote the endorsement of a candidate for political office on any of our print or web collateral.
We encourage blog submissions in languages other than English.
The PPS-SF editorial team has final decision-making authority to accept or deny any article for publication.
The PPS-SF editorial team reserves the right to remove or edit submissions at any time.
Authors retain all ownership of articles and are welcome to republish.
PPS-SF will give the author full byline credit, including links to any personal websites or blogs.
Please email submissions, copied and pasted into the body of an email, to info@ppssf.org with the words "Blog Submission" in the subject line.
The opinions expressed by guest bloggers are of the individual author only and not necessarily those of Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco or its staff or board of directors.