Know Your Rights


image of a person remaining silent

Right to Remain Silent

You do not have discuss your national status with anyone.

  • This includes: where you were born, citizenship and how you entered the country.

Start to record your interaction, as long as it does not cause interference.


Door to a home

Right to Deny Entry of Your home

You have right to deny entry to your home. Start to record your interaction.

If they ask to enter, you have right to request that they show you identification and a judicial warrant.

  • Judicial Warrants are signed by a judge or magesrate. This document must be signed and have your name and exact address.

Tell them to show you the identification through your house window or ask them to slip it under the door.

If they do not have a warrant signed by a judge you may refuse to let them into your home. Ask them to leave any information at your door.

If they force their way into your home, remain calm and do not resist. Everyone in your home at the time of forced entry must be calm and remain silent.

Never sign any documents!


animation of searching something on a computer

Right to Refuse Consent to a Search

If you are approached at work, in a parking lot or at a retail store or place to eat:

  • Remain Calm

  • Start to record your interaction, as long as it does not cause interference.

  • Ask if you are free to leave. If so, walk away calmly. Do not run.

  • Right to remain silent.

  • Right to refuse consent to a search.