Now that you have learned about your options for elementary school, it is time to gather your paperwork and submit the application.
Families must fill out an enrollment application.
SFUSD requires an application. Parents or guardians turn in applications in person at the Educational Placement Center (EPC). Take a photo ID, your child’s birth certificate, and two proofs of your address. Applications are available from SFUSD after the Enrollment Fair each October.
SFUSD Educational Placement Center
Meet the deadline.
The most important thing that you can do to help your child enroll at the public school of your choice is turn in your SFUSD application on or before the deadline. Families who miss the deadline are placed in the second round of enrollment applications.
List many schools on your application.
We recommend listing as many schools as you can. Keep an open mind about schools that are under the preschool chatter radar. There are many quiet little schools without name brand recognition that are full of happy, thriving children and wonderful teachers.
Put the schools in the order that you like best.
Put your top choice in the number one spot and work your way down from there. The process is designed to attempt to offer the highest spot on your list.