Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco depends on the generous support of community partnerships and individual donors to provide our services to families throughout the city. Thank you to the many donors who make our work possible! (Donor list reflects fiscal year 2017-2018.)
$50,001 and Above
Department of Children, Youth and Their Families (DCYF)
Office of Early Care and Education (OECE)
San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
Silver Giving Foundation
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Mission Promise Neighborhood
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)
Kindergarten to College (K2C) Program
Rose Dong on behalf of McGuire Real Estate
Stupski Family Foundation
Carrie Busch
The Gnass Family
The Imwalle Family
Katherine Imwalle
The Johnson-Bradley Family
The Leszek-Shamsi Family
Ramsey Lubbat
The Scharmen-Ferlatte Family
The TeGrotenhuis-Detlefsen Family
Craig Wallace
Dominic Willsdon
The Wolff-Odle Family
(Please note this list reflects 2017-18. Please let us know if we have missed anyone.)
826 Valencia
Aim High
Alice Griffith Housing Project
APA (Asian Perinatal Advocates) Family Support Services
Asian Art Museum
BMAGIC (Bayview Hunters Point Mobilization for Adolescent Growth in our Communities) / San Francisco Public Defender's Office
Children's Council San Francisco
City College of San Francisco (CCSF): Mission Center
City College of San Francisco (CCSF): Southeast Center
Google Community Space
Mercy Housing California - San Francisco
Mission Economic Development Agency
NOW Hunters Point
Our Family Coalition (Main Office)
Public Education Enrichment Fund Community Advisory Committee (PEEF CAC)
Real Options for City Kids (R.O.C.K.)
San Francisco Education Fund
San Francisco Family Support Network (SFFSN)
San Francisco Giants
San Francisco Housing Authority: Sunnydale Community Center
San Francisco Office of Early Care & Education (OECE)
San Francisco Parent Political Action Committee (SF Parent PAC)
San Francisco Public Library
Second District PTA
SFUSD Achievement Assessments Office
SFUSD African American Parent Advisory Council
SFUSD Bilingual Community Council (BCC)
SFUSD Board of Education
SFUSD Calendar Committee
SFUSD Community Schools And Family Partnerships
SFUSD Counseling Services
SFUSD Department of Technology
SFUSD District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC)
SFUSD Educational Placement Center
SFUSD Local Control and Accountability Plan - LCAP Task Force*
SFUSD Office of Public Outreach and Communications
SFUSD Translation and Interpretation Unit (TIU)
Support for Families of Children with Disabilities
The Smart Program
The Village / San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH)
UCSF Pediatrics Department
Visitacion Valley Strong Families Collaborative
Wu Yee Children's Services
YMCA of San Francisco
Ana De los Santos
Maria Barrera
Cecilia Li
Carla Martinez
Martina Ramos
Olivia Sanchez Valverio
Maria Elena Tirado
Sandra Valladares
Bi-Rite Market
Goat Hill Pizza
Patrick Stanger
Sean Bloomfield
Alexi Kostabas
Mark Ferlatte