PPS-SF ZOOM Watch Party for SFUSD Student Assignment Policy Community Info Session
English w/ interpretation SFUSD Student Assignment Policy Virtual Community Info Session - November 7th
PPS-SF presents free events and workshops in the fall and spring to help families understand San Francisco public school enrollment. We also host school governance events, programs to help you understand school policies, and fun get-togethers. The calendar is often updated, so keep checking back!
We will also come to your preschool or workplace and present a private enrollment workshop.
Thank you to our 2021-2022 Enrollment Workshop sponsors:
Leader - Level Up Group
Partner - Kaiser Permanente
English w/ interpretation SFUSD Student Assignment Policy Virtual Community Info Session - November 7th
¡Traiga sus palomitas de maíz, mire con nosotros y comparta sus pensamientos!
SFUSD Student Assignment Policy Virtual Community Info Session - October 27th - English with Interpretation
Learn what families and schools across the district are doing to support learning @ home. Come ready to participate in supportive online discussion circles!
¡Comparte consejos! ¿Qué ha funcionado para las familias y los estudiantes que están aprendiendo en casa?
Connect with other parents to discuss practical parenting tips to support social-emotional learning at home.
Conéctese con otros padres para discutir consejos prácticos para padres para apoyar el aprendizaje socio y emocional en el hogar.
Connect with other parents of 6 - 12th grade students to discuss practical parenting tips to support social-emotional learning at home.
Connect with other parents of students aged K - 5th Grade to discuss practical parenting tips to support social-emotional learning at home.
Get to know your BOE Candidates! Hear from them on the issues that affect our schools and our futures – school pushout, student and parent voice, Black student achievement, immigrant rights, charter school accountability, and more!