Round 2 versus Placement Appeals
Families who are not satisfied with their Round 1 assignment into a San Francisco public school can submit a Round 2 application for the May Placement Period by April 21, 2017. This is also the deadline to file a Placement Appeal. So what's the difference between the two?
Anyone can participate in Round 2 by submitting the 2017-18 Round Two Amended Application Form in person at the Educational Placement Center (EPC) at 555 Franklin Street. Take photo ID and the Round 2 application form. Proof of address is required only if the address has changed since the previous application. Families should list any school they prefer over their Round 1 assignment. If there are more than ten preferred schools, then list the additional schools or programs on the Additional Choices Form.
The appeals process can be used by those who face special circumstances. There are two types of appeals:
- Medical Appeal: for a student whose own medical condition cannot be accommodated appropriately at the assigned school.
- Family Hardship Appeal: for a student whose family faces a unique hardship within the household.
Decisions are made by a committee, and their decision is final. Applications should include as much documentation as possible to make a compelling case for the student's or the family's unique situation. The case should focus on why the specific requested school would meet the family's needs in a way that the assigned school would not.
Families may appeal for placement into one school. Submit the March Appeal Form and paperwork for the appeal, together with a Round 2 application, by April 14, 2017. Even though only one school may be requested on the appeal, include any options preferred over the initial assignment in the Round 2 application.