PPS-SF Guide to the Virtual Enrollment Fair
Congratulations - you are getting ready to find out about all the great schools in SFUSD!
The Virtual Enrollment Fair this year is spread over 7 days from November 6 through November 13. Don’t worry - you don’t have to attend every day and we are here to help you navigate!
What to expect from the virtual enrollment fair:
Workshops on Enrollment (with PPS-SF), Language Programs, Special Education,
Talk to organizations that help Parents & Caregivers - like PPS-SF!
School Videos - New this year, each school shows off its site, programs & highlights
Town Halls to see a short presentation and Q & A with the Principal & Staff
This year SFUSD has created a lot of user friendly resources to help parents, families and their children navigate the Fair together.
Virtual Enrollment Fair Overview . Here are some snippets of the week’s schedule:
Friday 11/6 is focused on Early Education
Saturday 11/7 is for SFUSD workshops. Come chat with PPS-SF at 9am or at 12pm
9 AM English: https://zoom.us/j/93206336413?pwd=eUZFRzRIYkVqNWcwaHpkZ2RDNmIrUT09
9 AM 中文 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88448897694?pwd=VnljRUIzbCtaR2NobDJNVWQrMjJYQT09
9 AM Español https://meet.google.com/nvn-pnwb-xom
12 PM English https://zoom.us/j/92724562857?pwd=ck90RHdyV0ExMWVpbi9nUitOSm4vZz09
12 PM 中文 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85364811067?pwd=eDFjYXh5V3Y3ZW50QjJEQ1N0VjdxQT09
12 PM Español https://meet.google.com/nst-qygo-fqc
Sunday 11/8 - Take some time to view the fabulous videos produced by 120+ SFUSD schools!
Monday 11/9 & Tuesday 11/10 feature the Elementary school Town Halls.
Thursday 11/12 & Friday 11/13 are for Middle & High School Town Halls.
Image credit: SFUSD Virtual Enrollment Fair Website
Use this planner to help you figure out what workshops and town halls you can visit!
School Search
Before you begin, take a look at our Enrollment Tips - a checklist of items to be thinking about before you choose the schools you want to explore more.
We always encourage families to keep an open mind to look at other schools that fit your family’s needs. Use the SFUSD School Search tool to check out grade level, language programs, location and Attendance Area schools.
Check out school videos - available from November 3, 2020
New this year are charts comparing Elementary, Middle & High schools in SFUSD. Each chart shows school location, start & finish times, as well as the services such as Before & After school programs, Newcomer Programs & Special Ed programs. We think these new charts will be a great help for families!
For more detailed information visit the newly published Enrollment Guide for 2021-22
Town Halls
Now you have narrowed down your list, find out when your preferred schools are hosting town halls and put them in your planner!
What if you need help during the Fair?
Visit the PPS-SF Zoom room to get help navigating the Fair
Technical Help
Visit the SFUSD Information Center for help in English, Spanish, Cantonese & Mandarin:
Join by video: meet.google.com/mox-nbhj-eae
Join by phone: +1 302-317-1820 PIN: 470 464 433#
EPC Enrollment Counsellors
If you need to talk to an enrollment counselor, visit the Enrollment Counseling Room for help in English, Spanish, Cantonese & Mandarin. Open every day except Veterans Day from 12pm - 1pm & 3pm - 4pm.
What if you miss a Town Hall, a Workshop or if you want to see a school video again?
School Videos will be available to watch anytime from November 3, 2020. All workshops are presented live, and recordings will be made available from 11/16/20. All schools will be recording one of their Town Halls and these will be available from 11/16/20. Visit the SFUSD YouTube channel for more information.