Seeking PPS-SF Parent Ambassadors! Help Families Connect Virtually to School Communities.
SFUSD enrollment applications are due February 5 and many families may need to make decisions about schools without the opportunity to visit or interact directly with school staff or families. Please consider stepping in to support families by email, phone, or video chat.
Help us help parents and families. Spread the word about your public school!
Any SFUSD parent can relate to feeling overwhelmed in the process of choosing schools. PPS-SF Parent Ambassador Program is a resource families can use to speak to a parent or caregiver currently at the school. Being a Parent Ambassador is a small commitment but is extremely helpful for families.
We are always looking for Parent Ambassadors at all SFUSD schools. We would be particularly grateful for additional volunteers at the following schools:
Elementary Schools
Bret Harte
Dr. Charles Drew
Edwin and Anita Lee
El Dorado
ER Taylor
Jean Parker
Malcolm X Academy
Mission Education Center
New Traditions
Paul Revere
Spring Valley
Tenderloin Community
Visitacion Valley
West Portal
Middle Schools
A.P Giannini
Visitacion Valley
Herbert Hoover
High School
Ida B. Wells
John O' Connell
June Jordan
Ruth Asawa
San Francisco International
The Academy
Thurgood Marshall
PPS-SF works toward having every school represented and fulfilling all requests from families, we need your help to do this! Please learn more about the program below and forward to anyone who may be interested.
What does a PPS-SF parent ambassador do?
Contact parents who reach out by phone or email within a few days of receiving the request.
Share information about their schools with prospective parents.
Provide honest feedback about a school’s strengths and how the school meets its challenges.
Refer difficult questions to school staff, other parents, or back to PPS-SF.
It's not a big commitment. Depending on the number of requests and the number of ambassadors in a school, we may connect an ambassador with up to 3 to 5 parents in a year.
Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco does not post or share the ambassador's contact information with anyone at any time.
To volunteer to be a PPS-SF parent ambassador for your child’s school, please fill out the registration form:
Parent Ambassador Registration
If you have any questions about the PPS-SF Parent Ambassador Program, or if you would like to be connected with a PPS-SF parent ambassador, please contact us at
We look forward to working together to support public school families!