Remote Commenting Advocacy

Restore remote access to public meeting by accepting for expand democracy or decline for community input

Support the campaign to restore remote public comment at Board of Supervisors committee meetings! 

Do you care about public access to democratic participation in San Francisco? Have you wanted to testify at a Board of Supervisors (BOS) or committee meeting but been unable to because you cannot make it there in person? Senior and Disability Action is leading a coalition of organizations in calling for the restoration of remote public comment at BOS committee meetings.  

Originally enacted at the beginning of the pandemic, the BOS repealed remote public comment last fall, shutting out the voices of so many San Franciscans who cannot, for myriad reasons, make it to City Hall in the middle of the day to give comment in person. Check out the campaign sign on letter and fill out this form to add your name or sign up to get updates! Join the campaign to reinstate remote public comment!  Email for more information and the Zoom link for future campaign meetings.