Tell the Board of Supervisors: Restore remote public comment for committee meetings!

Text: Tell the Board of Supervisors Restore Public Comment 

Tell the Board of Supervisors: Restore remote public comment for committee meetings! 

Do you care about public access to democratic participation in San Francisco? Have you ever wanted to give testimony at a Board of Supervisors (BOS) or committee meeting, but been unable to because you can’t make it there in person? Contact the Board of Supervisors and urge them to restore remote public comment for committee meetings! You can send them a message through our letter-writing tool: 

Originally enacted at the beginning of the pandemic, the BOS repealed remote public comment in Fall 2023, shutting out the voices of so many San Franciscans who can't, for myriad reasons, make it to City Hall in the middle of the day to give comment in person. We know that most parents can't take time off work or bring their kids to sit for hours in City Hall waiting to give comments. We can't let our communities be shut out of the political process! Contact your supervisors today! For more talking points and information on this issue, check out our campaign letter  and sign up here