The SFUSD Transitional Kindergarten Program is Opening Six New Sites in 2022-2023
The SFUSD Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program which bridges pre-kindergarten and kindergarten years how now expanded to six new sites. This program is a two-year kindergarten program that is implemented for students who are not old enough yet for kindergarten, but want to build their social, developmental and academic skills.
The new six TK sites for 2022-2023 include:
El Dorado ES (General Education)
McLasren (John) EES (SDC)
Mission Education Center (Spanish DLL)
Rosa Parks ES (General Education)
Stevenson (Robert Louis) ES (General Education)
West Portal ES (General Education)
There are currently 19 TK sites that are already available:
Alvarado ES (General Education)
Argonne EES (General Education)
Carmichael (Bessie) K-8 (General Education)
Chavez (Cesar) ES (SDC - Total Communication)
Cobb (Dr William L) ES (General Education)
Drew (Dr Charles) College Preparatory Academy ES (General Education)
Flynn (Leonard R) ES (General Education)
Harte (Bret) ES (General Education)
Malcolm X Academy ES (General Education)
McLaren (John) EES (General Education)
Noriega EES (General Education)
Parks (Rosa) ES (SDC – Mild/Mod Autism Focus)
Redding ES (General Education)
Rodriguez (Zaida T) EES (General Education)
Serra (Junipero) Annex EES (General Education)
Sheridan ES (General Education)
Stevenson (Robert Louis) ES (SDC - Mild to Moderate)
Stockton (Commodore) EES (General Education)
Tule Elk Park EES (General Education; SDC - Moderate to Severe)
TK is designed for students who will be turning five-years-old between September 2nd and February 2nd of the school year that they wish to attend. Applying for TK is similar to the application process for elementary school grades. Families should complete the application form and submit it to the Educational Placement Center (EPC) by the Main Round deadline of February 4, 2022.
Families who apply by February 2, 2022 will receive their school assignment offers in the week of March 21, 2022.