Get to Know Your 2020 BOE Candidates

PPS-SF reached out to each of this year’s candidates for the SF Board of Education and gave them the opportunity to answer questions about issues that are important to us and our parent and caregiver communities. Below are the responses we received.

Note: Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco does not endorse candidates for office. All candidates were given the opportunity to submit videos and those published here are the ones we received by our deadline.

Questions we asked candidates to respond to:

  1. What challenges do you see right now specific to Distance Learning? What are some of your ideas in tackling these issues and how will you put these ideas into action?

  2. What is your priority for the transition for students returning to school buildings? As a school board member, how will you help SFUSD navigate the challenges including safety, costs and personnel?

  3. SFUSD is potentially facing some significant budget challenges. What are some of your priorities and how will you achieve these priorities?

  4. What inequities do you see within the current Student Assignment System? Assuming the current board adopts a new Student Assignment Policy in December, what ways will you listen to youth and families and how will you ensure their voices are heard and acted upon as SFUSD makes decisions related to implementation of the policy (e.g, drawing new boundaries)?

  5. What are the biggest inequities you see within SFUSD? How will you make schools more equitable for students, especially the most disenfranchised and least resourced? How will you be intentional about supporting Black and Brown students?

  6. What do you see as SFUSD's greatest strengths? How would you build on them? What are SFUSD's greatest challenges? How will you chip away at them?

  7. What do you see as the role of the school board working with SFUSD staff in decision making?

Matt Alexander
Educator and Organizer


Kevine Boggess
Education Policy Director


Michelle Parker
Parent / Nonprofit Director


Here is a full list of all the candidates running for the SF Board of Education:

Matt Alexander, Educator and Organizer,

Andrew Douglas Alston, Teacher,

Kevine Boggess, Education Policy Director,

Alida Fisher, Special Education Advocate,

Dr. Paul Kangas, JD, PhD, Criminal Defense Investigator

Jenny Lam, Education Advisor to San Francisco Mayor,

Genevieve Lawrence, Teacher,

Michelle Parker, Parent / Nonprofit Director,

Nick Rothman, Teacher,

Mark Sanchez, Public School Teacher / San Francisco Board of Education President,