Vote for Upcoming Measures on the 2020 Election Ballot!

PPS-SF is proud to support Prop 15, Prop 16, Prop F, and Prop J

As we prepare ourselves for the upcoming November 3rd election, PPS-SF is proud to support four critical measures on the upcoming ballot.

Proposition 15

The Schools and Communities First Initiative, or Proposition 15, is a measure focused on redistributing $12 billion per year by increasing property taxes on large commercial properties owned by corporations in the state of California. It intends to:

  • Close and secure property tax loopholes to ensure that large corporations are paying their taxes at fair market value

  • Demand accountability and transparency for the obtaining and distribution of these funds

  • Redistribute wealth collected from this property tax increase to local schools and communities

  • Ensure that increases in commercial property taxes do not affect homeowners and renters

Proposition 16

Proposition 16 intends to repeal Proposition 209, which amended the California state constitution in 1996 to include language against affirmative action, stating that the state cannot “[discriminate] against or [grant] preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” Passing Proposition 16 would:

  • Allow institutions to consider protected statuses, such as race, when making decisions regarding hiring, allocating state contracts, and admission of students into public colleges and universities.

  • Ensure fairness in public contracting and employment practices in order to protect underrepresented groups

Proposition F

The Small Business and Economic Recovery Act, or Ballot Measure F, will change business taxes in the city of San Francisco to aid businesses which are heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will also release early childhood education funding, originally voted on in 2018, which has been locked due to litigation. It would:

  • Repeal the Payroll Expense Tax, which taxes any business whose payroll exceeds $320 thousand per year

  • Reduce business registration fees for businesses with $1 million or less in San Francisco gross receipts

  • Increase the small business exemption from the Gross Receipts Tax to $2 million

  • Reduce the Gross Receipts Tax rate for industries most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic such as retail, restaurants, the arts and manufacturing

Proposition J

Support Our Public Schools, or Proposition J, will directly support public schools and teachers by allowing them to maintain funding and invest in technology for digital learning. It will:

  • Secure essential funding that will improve teacher salaries and modernize schools without raising taxes

  • Allow the school district to offer teachers competitive living wages to attract and maintain quality educators

  • Fund teacher and staff’s professional development, which will allow students to participate in strengthened computer science and technology programs

  • Institute an annual audit to ensure that funding gathered through Prop J are spent as promised

It is not too late to register to vote! For more information on registering or re-registering to vote, or to check your voter registration status, visit the California online voter registration website.