Keeping Up With Board Watch

BoardWatch - PPS-sF has your back!

Over the month of September, the school board met twice to discuss policies and hear from the general public. Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco have diligently attended each meeting. There were discussions about not allowing Eid al-Adha to be on the calendar for next year after lawsuits from another community. Most people that spoke during public comments were Muslim, Jewish, or otherwise and were for the holiday. Once again, children were forced to fight for their rights to celebrate their religion without being marked absent for the day late into the night. Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco wrote a letter to the Board advocating for our families and students and attempted to speak in public There was also mention of the High School Task Force studying the 14 schools. The charge of the task force is to: a) gather input from the community on what it needs and wants from the district’s high schools; b) understand and summarize the current portfolio of the district’s high school in terms of offerings and student outcomes; and c) provide recommendations to the Superintendent on ways to improve policies, practices, and programs for better student outcomes. The San Francisco Unified School district has asked for parents' involvement in the High Schools Task Force. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to us     

Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco has both a track record of service in the community and expertise on their team to serve the district as a community partner. We emailed the district that as a national leader in family engagement we offer support beginning with our Family Engagement Indicator of Effectiveness Assessment. As the district embarks on this bold journey, we are ready to partner in building capacity through our assessment of the district and other agencies/organizations involved in the project. Our Family Engagement Indicator of Effectiveness Assessment to assess the following effectiveness indicators; Design, Linked- Leadership, Assessment Framework, Target Population, Alignment of Supports, Data-Driven and Student-Centered Planning, Opportunities for Skill Building, Relationship Building, Meaningful Family Involvement, and Community Involvement.   

The assessment goal is to work with the agency/organization to leverage the set of indicators to operationalize family engagement practices so that it is breaded through organizational strategic goals. We reference Dr. Karen Mapps, who works on Capacity Building Frameworks for Family Partnerships


Be sure to check out all our social media platforms where we will be posting updates on board meetings!