Local Control Accountability Plan
Parent Advisory Committee
Effectiveness. A circular 4-piece puzzle connected in white, yellow, turquoise and pink.
Effectiveness of the Plan, what do you see?
Partnership cultivation can be supported with school districts by several indicators of effectiveness which can be incorporated into practices with families/parents with the goal of influencing motivation, strengthening trust, and activating relatability in the school system.
The Design - The school district offers expanded opportunities for families to engage in learning that is active, collaborative, and meaningful and that supports development aligned with organizational values. It also acts to strengthen communication, collaboration, and collective convening among all families raising children attending public schools.
Linked- Leadership – Partners, community, parents and the educational agency could be linked-leaders. Linked-Leader has distinguished a consistent set time to facilitate services linked with planning, programming, and personnel and resource development for members. Teams include discussions of Linked Leadership goals and priorities as part of the planning.
The LCAP provides an opportunity for us to SEE...How? What? and Why? Programs and Services meet students needs. A Map, pointer and star icon depicting How?, What? and Why?
Assessment – Partners, community, parents use evidence based and promising practices in their methods of assessment to support the educational agency with stated goals. Assessment considers the work of: Dr. Karen Mapp’s work on Capacity Building Frameworks for Family Partnerships. Methods include conducting motivational interviews with parents, faith-based leaders, and other community members to understand the root cause of the lack of engagement as related to processes and/or other organizational conditions of the school system.
Take this quick survey about what you see related to LCAP activities.
23-24 Local Control Accountability Plan-Annual “
I See” Survey
2023-24 Encuesta anual "Yo veo" del Plan de Control Local para la Rendición de Cuentas (LCAP)
23-24 題目: 年度當地控制和問責計劃(LCAP) 「我看見」民意調查
Responsive to Accountability
The Linked-Leaders institute diverse and realistic opportunities to involve their own and other community members in understanding and positively impacting the work happening with families which are demonstrated by growth of efficacy, agency, and empowerment.
Education Code section 52069, states: “A parent advisory committee shall include parents or legal guardians of pupils to whom one or more of the definitions in EC Section 42238.01 apply.” A lightbulb icon to the left.
Build Relationships for Belonging
School leaders implement structures that will teach, model, and allow practice with several relational practices in an integrated and focused way (e.g., using Persistence Framework Protocols and Growth Mindset prompts such as “I believe, I can, I belong, and I value.”)
Meaningful Family Partnership
The linked leaders have determined a set of criteria to promote families to have diverse opportunities, to take on and create meaningful roles as leaders. They practice strategies within a supportive environment to cultivate engagement and activate empowerment within the community.
One Key aspect of the LCAP development is to ensure engagement with parents and guardians of the district highest- need students. A back icon to the right
While the Board of Education approves members of the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), the PAC is tasked with reviewing and commenting on the LCAP. An icon of three people to the left.
Data Informed
Parent conferencing and examination of student data is part of the planning and support process, such that both the parent’s needs and the Linked-Leaders specific role in supporting those needs are made explicit. Parents will organically speak to their individual students’ needs and strengths as part of the process, so Linked Leaders can leverage touch points and identify capacity-building areas related to motivation, persistence, and activation of empowerment. These data are used to develop individual parent action plans or learning goals appropriate to PPSSF mission.
Education Code section 42238.01, states: (a) Eligible for free or reduced-price meals, (b) Foster Youth, (C) Pupils of limited English Proficiency. An icon of a backpack to the right
Focal Population
The Linked-Leaders collaboratively identify a mix of focus parents based on the desired goals and in alignment with assessed needs and desired supports to families.
Alignment of Supports and Resources
The Linked Leaders reinforces and re-teaches foundational skills of family engagement by offering families small group and 1:1 session with an emphasis on supporting skill-building, motivation, and persistence to activate empowerment regarding the academic needs and social emotional health of their children.
Thus meeting requirements needs to be within the law of EC 42238.01 How can we help? www.ppssf.org Support is here! Info@ppssf.org An icon of two hand holding a here to the center right. The PPSF logo and seal
Opportunities for Skill Building
The Linked-Leaders can also include interest-based conversations about academic support occurring during schooldays and before/after school. Conversations occur with their individual student(s) and/or in small groups. Sessions focus on specific strategies parents can access, e.g., enrollment design, program learning outcomes, outreach and engagement, school choice and, school to district system structures.