ED Message

Animation of Golden Gate Bridge, houses, and school bus. Silver Jubilee...25th Anniversary...the trusted parent organization to promote the fundamental value of public education. 

As we celebrate, our 25th Anniversary Silver Jubilee, I reflect on how we Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco moves the needle of educational equity as we lift the incredible public schools across #ourschools, #ourcommunities, and #ourcity. We have been at the forefront of amplifying public schools and brokering policies to meet the needs of parents, and it must come with community partnership. We know that it takes a village to raise its schools and so we must look forward beyond just academic achievement, we must address the opportunity gaps which plague families of color, those with disabilities, those who are in transition and those who are from other lands. Read Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco: Identifying Opportunity Gaps and Preventing Chronic Absenteeism 

With the eminent storm of school closures, Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco will continue to amplify the systemic structures that will adequately address the needs of our communities. What we know from research and case studies is that the budget shortfall will not be rectified with schools' closures. What we also know is that communities on the southeast side of San Francisco have historically lacked the schools' resources they need. While there is indeed a teacher shortage, we also know that teachers and other educators must feel respected by their institutions. In July 2023, I shared a blog Schools Closed in anticipation that the SFUSD (San Francisco Unified School District) realignment initiative would result in school closures. We have continuously spoken up through our newsletters, social mediums and our programs with one message- school closure is not the answer. As the shifts in funding took vital services from communities, we thought together to continue our good work.  

At San Francisco Community School we are opposed to ALL school closures:  

We are coalition building because the school district’s “Resource Alignment Initiative” (RAI) needs to be SHUT DOWN by the SF Board of Education if it includes school closures when they vote in December. We know school closures harm students and communities. Closing schools will not help the school district’s current budget problems. This process has been opaque and moving faster than families can keep up.” Gaelan, parent 

School closures will impact communities' internal school resources, school libraries, after school, sports, and wellness services. Likewise, communities' small business, non-profit and libraries support services will be impacted. When shifts are made from seats at one school into additional seats at another, one should be mindful that this will also change formulas that qualify schools for federal entitlements. Remember that a school's composition across demographics is a key eligibility for critical revenue.  

Cares and Wonders: 1. What is algorithm for the metrics which define the selection under each criterion, especially, Equity? See Final Criterion from District Advisory Committee. SFUSD RAI (RESOURCE ALIGNMENT INITIATIVE) - CRITERION, METRIC & MEANING 2. How will the algorithm of the weighted categories be used to identify schools be disclosed to the public? When will the administration of determining schools to be closed be completed in front of the public? See RAI Focus Area 5 3. What happens to the ecosystem of how worksites for classified staff are assigned (i.e., custodians, school secretaries, family liaisons, paraprofessionals, etc.)? 4. How will student experiences be assessed, monitored and supported related to the school closures? 5. How will parent and community experiences and insights be understood where obvious gaps exist in the current community engagement data sets? 6. Given that parents right to vote on the newest Board Member was taken away from parents and the prior involvement the new Board Member was as senior staff to the RAI, what will the Board do to ensure recusal of that board member of all decisions relating to school closures, mergers, consolidations, and enrollment. 


Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco it will take all of us to speak up for #PPSSFStands4OurSchools! Share ideas for solutions other than closing schools. Ask questions and expect answers.  

Share your thoughts here: https://bit.ly/3AGaIqw


Our legacy is promoting the fundamental value for our schools and that is what we will continue to do. 


My best to all, 
