Executive Director Message
Overlay photo of Power of Public Schools Executive Director Message
Read Executive Director Vanessa Marrero's Message:
During the Fall 2023, I served as a parent by appointment by US Secretary of Education, Cardona, the Regional Advisory Committee West Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah) for the Comprehensive Center Program. The RACs sought input regarding the need for the technical assistance activities described in section 203 of the Education Technical Assistance Act (ETAA) and how those needs would be most effectively addressed. To achieve this purpose, the RACs sought input from chief executive officers of States; chief state school officers; and, through processes which may include but are not limited to open hearings, in-person meetings, online surveys, and public comment solicitations. The goal of these processes is to solicit the views and needs of schools (including public charter schools), educators, parents, teachers, administrators, members of the regional educational laboratory governing board, local educational agency (LEAs), librarians, businesses, state educational agency (SEAs), and other customers (such as adult education programs) within the region regarding the need for the activities described in 20 U.S.C. sections 9564 and 9602 and how those needs would be most effectively addressed.
The Regional Advisory Committee-West report is submitted to the Secretary based on the assessment of education needs within each region to be served. The report analyzes our region's needs and gives the Secretary technical advice on how those needs would be most effectively addresses section 207 of the Education Technical Assistance Act (ETAA). The Secretary shall establish priorities for the comprehensive centers to address, considering these regional assessments and other relevant surveys of education needs to the extent the Secretary deems appropriate.
Our report has been finalized and you are invited to a series of listening sessions about our recommendations across four priority areas;
These priorities will shape technical assistance investments in our region.
1-Chronic Absenteeism, Learning Session, Wednesday, March 6th
2- Opportunity Gap, Learning Session, Thursday, March 14th,
3- Social Emotional Learning, Learning Session, Tuesday, March 19th
RSVP https://bit.ly/3P0VgJH
4- Teacher Retention, Learning Session, Monday, March 25th.
RSVP: https://bit.ly/3uQUkkk
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